Blind Reviews Part 9
Over at the Half Ashed forums we have a little “cigar pass” going on. Each person involved sends two unbanded cigars to another person in the “Blind Review Pass.” For the next few weeks I’ll be posting (with permission) those blind reviews. If you have never smoked a cigar blind, or unbanded, I would highly recommend it. Get some friends together and trade cigars with the bands removed, or have your wife take some bands off a few sticks in the bottom of your humidor. You’ll be surprised at how much a band can affect your perception of a cigar.
Today’s review (after a long hiatus, so sorry) is from the infamous Zedman! This is the first of two cigars, and the review is very brief, must be a Canadian thing…

Unbanded “A”
No triple cap
Smell- Ecuadorian, maybe Brazilian.
Pre-light- Slight raisin. Almost broadleaf taste.
Draw- 4.5/10 Perfect in my books.
1/3- Very dominican like flavors. Sweetness, cedar, hay, slight light roast coffee.
Room aroma was that cedar and coffee flavor.
2/3- Same as before, but a bit of a sourdough taste crept in.
3/3- The same, but tamed down. There was a chalkiness that crept in and was definitive. I have had that a few times before.
If I were to guess, I might say the Tatuaje Serie P or the Tattoo.
The Reveal
It was a La Flor Dominicano!! Specifically, the Colorado Oscuro.

La Flor Dominicano Colorado Oscuro